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Spokane Area Retired Educators Assoc. Officers 2024 – 2025

  • President – Brad Beal
  • Vice-President – Char Schelling
  • Secretary – Cookie Billups
  • Treasurer – Kathy Beal

Spokane Area Retired Educators Assoc. Executive Committee 2024-25

  • Budget Kathy Beal
  • Directory Kris Stopperan
  • Community Service (interim) Kathy Beal, Char Schelling, Kris Stopperan, Kathy Braid, Jeff Hunter
  • Health Services  Shirlee Hachman-Chatterton
  • Historian (interim) Brad Beal
  • Legislation Patty Anderson, Susan Dellwo, Kathy Albi
  • Luncheon/ Program Charlotte Schelling
  • Membership Kris Stopperan
  • Mini Grants Jan McFarland, Patty Anderson
  • Newsletter Kathy Braid
  • Retirement Open
  • Scholarships Char Schelling

WSSRA Committee (SAREA) Representatives

Health Services Shirlee Hachman-Chatterton                               Membership Kris Stopperan
Retirement Planning John Young                                                                     Legislative Patty Anderson, Susan Dellwo
Rules/Resolutions Brad Beal 

District E7

E7 Representative – Don Kackman
E7 Coordinator – Don Kackman
WSSRFoundation-Linda Marler

A Bit of SAREA History

The “idea” for a retired teachers’ organization in Spokane began in 1939. The Spokane Retired Teachers Association became official in October of 1945, with twenty-six members. The Spokane group was one of the four founding members of the Washington State Retired Teachers Association in 1946 (Now called the Washington State School Retirees Association). Today SAREA has over 1000 members in our local unit.

The Association offers a way to keep in touch with former co-workers and acquaintances and an opportunity to make new friends. We hold at least 4 General Meetings throughout the year. View our Calendar of Events. Three of the meetings are luncheons. We have 4 elected positions: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. The board also includes up to 20 committee chairs or special positions.

The membership meetings and luncheons include community speakers, influential leaders in education and trend setters. These speakers keep us up to date on what’s happening in the community and in education. Our luncheons also include entertainment from local schools offering an opportunity for local students to showcase their talents. (We have had Fine Arts displays, dancing, singing, bands and solo instrumentalists)

The Association has a Legislation Committee that works with the state legislative committee to promote the welfare of all school retirees through direct contact with elected officials letting them know our wants and needs. Each legislative session our committee members make personal contact with each of our area legislators at least twice. SAREA does not endorse or financially support any individual candidates. While the WSSRA PAC supports candidates who are willing to put forward our retirement goals.

We offer Mini grants annually to active teachers in our unit 25 region.  Applications will be available on our website this fall. Each spring, we also offer scholarships to area High School seniors and student teachers interested in becoming an educator. View Scholarships and Grants.

The Association provides information at local school district Benefit Fairs. We also present special Health Benefits Meetings as needed to explain the changes to the medical/dental programs and prices for our members. Check out our letter that is published quarterly for more details.

We represent all school employees whether retired or still working, and all are welcome to join. We have administrators, cooks, custodians, bus/truck drivers, secretaries, aides, teachers and others in our organization. With your membership you receive the Journal, a magazine highlighting retiree issues and articles from the state six times a year. You also receive our local Newsletter, (view our latest issue) during the year we hold 4 meetings, and publish a Directory with the names, addresses and phone numbers of each of our local members. This is another way to keep in touch with old friends. Dues are only $7 per month. You don’t have to wait until retirement as we also offer “active” (those still employed) memberships.

Supplemental insurances are available to members through AMBA. See link on this website.

 Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
– Helen Keller